

We facilitate tracking for your next life, based on established and well known techniques.  We are here to provide you with a service no one to date can.  Well over half the earths population believes in reincarnato, coming back in another form.  We are the only ones offering such a service. Times are a changing, and so is the concept of finality.  Maybe its not so final after all. 



Our vision is to provide a service unlike any other available.  The final day for each and every one of us is coming.  Some sooner than others.  Some comes with old age, others come more quickly.  Tracking services to your next version of you, along with life-long consultation services, in accord with your own will and testament, your own resources you set aside for such a purpose. 



We strive to provide a new way of looking at your life.  Not so much one life, but multiple, where you would be able to set the mission and mandates of your life for yourself. 





A Life Insurance.  A Social Life Insurance. 

Assurance that you will live a life in accord with your own will. 

Next time around you call the shots, you have your own resources.



It would be easy to see well known public figures like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos have a passionate interest in coming back and doing more of the same they have come to be known for. That option right now, is not even on the table.  We put that option on the table.  On your table.  The ability to call the shots, beyond this life, into your next life, with funds set aside to insure it will happen.  


Start off with undergoing a program of education in accord with your own will and testament, utilizing your own set resources, and be inserted into a leadership position at the very same companies you have started in their previous lives.


Back at the helm as a junior study, on the way to being a CEO.  Your vision for yourself may be different and we are here to help you achieve it. 




AR Rezai


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